You are pursuing your financial goals and deserve a team who can help you with advice and guidance. Our certifications empower us to do just that. With many hours of training and continued education, we are committed to putting your best interest first - always. Please click on the designations below to learn about how each of them add value to our working relationship with you.

CFP® - Certified Financial Planner

Paige Krumme holds the Certified Financial Planner - CFP® desigantion on our team. This designation is earned from the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. after a financial advisor has met rigorous education, examination, experince, and ethics requirements. As a part of this certification, Paige has made a commitment to act as a fiduciary when providing financial advice - always putting the clients' best interest first. A CFP® is able to take a comprehensive approach to meeting clients' financial needs, as they have completed training on nearly 100 integrated financial topics. This certificatoin is the standard of excellence in investment planning.

RICP® - Retirment Income Certified Professional

Sharon Krumme holds the RICP® designation on our team. This certification from the American College of Financial Services signfies that an advisor has a specialized education in retirement income and can help clients think through all the complexities of making their resources last throughout retirement. Sharon is equipeed with the knowledge and expertise to build comprehensive income plans while helping clients make educated decisions in the areas of Social Security, income tax planning, portfolio withdrawal strategies, Medicare, long-term care planning and more.

FPQP® - Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional

Jamie Chmielewski has earned the Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional designation from the College for Fianancial Planning. The program deepened Jamie's foundational knowlege of financial planning with a focus on practical application, such as estate, tax, retirement, insurance, and investments. The FPQP® certification prepares you to gather, review, and analyze client financial informaiton in order to offer a comprehensive picture of financial well-being.